When psychologist Andrew Campbell began his doctoral studies in 1997, a faculty member strongly urged him to rethink his interest in pursuing how the Internet impacts adolescent health. The Internet is a passing fad, the professor said. It would be dead by 2001.
Needless to say, the faculty member was a little off the mark, and what Campbell began researching has become a booming field of study—cyberpsychology, or the influence of the Internet on human behavior.
Campbell, director of Prometheus and lecturer in psychology at the University of Sydney Faculty of Health Sciences, shared his experiences as a cyberpsychologist during the closing plenary, “The Impact of Information Science and Technology and Mental Health,” at the 2009 iConference.
During his presentation, he touched on how the Internet has become a tool for delivering educational and preventive information to patients, a supportive network for patients to interact with each other, a tool to provide telemedical services to people around the globe, a venue for medical counseling and advising, and a simulated environment that can be used for healing a variety of afflictions, to name a few.
He also described the social and physiological changes occurring in Generation X and Y, including a sharp increase in depression and emotion disorders. “They are highly susceptible to depression and mental illness,” Campbell said. “It had increased four-fold in teen-agers and adolescents in the past decade.”
He stopped short of directly relating their use of technology and online socializing to these increases, but he said it is being studied.
Campbell also said he sees great potential for new uses of social networking and Web 2.0 technologies in therapies and treatments. He presented one such case of a child diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, who used a relaxing virtual world game that responded to the child’s breathing patterns to treat the illness and then could avoid having to take medicines with possible harmful side effects.
Serious games are also being used to conduct preventive medicine trainings, and researchers are trying to find new ways to incorporate more gaming and virtual environments in cyber-medicine. These methods, researchers are discovering, are effective not only for children and teens, but also adults and aging populations.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
What can IT do to be green?
Syracuse Ph.D. student Shuyuan Mary Ho and professional performance systems developer Conrad F. Metcalfe challenged attendees to move toward life-cycle thinking in IT development, use, and implementation.
They outlined three fundamental problems:
· use of fossil fuels growing, but supplies are declining
· environmental degradation—cost to environment for producing toxins
· climate change—human activities are changing the climate
In terms of green IT, they said there were several areas where the field can contribute to solutions. The first was designing from “cradle to cradle” rather than “cradle to grave,” which also could include extending the average two-year life expectancy of laptops, cell phone, and mobile devices.
Other areas where IT can assist in becoming greener is by adapting wireless grid technologies to redirect access energy from one item to another, using software in place of hardware when possible, and creating innovative modeling software to reduce energy waste.
“While there are many factors to consider, the IT community plays a critical role in creating a sustainable, green future,” Ho said.
They outlined three fundamental problems:
· use of fossil fuels growing, but supplies are declining
· environmental degradation—cost to environment for producing toxins
· climate change—human activities are changing the climate
In terms of green IT, they said there were several areas where the field can contribute to solutions. The first was designing from “cradle to cradle” rather than “cradle to grave,” which also could include extending the average two-year life expectancy of laptops, cell phone, and mobile devices.
Other areas where IT can assist in becoming greener is by adapting wireless grid technologies to redirect access energy from one item to another, using software in place of hardware when possible, and creating innovative modeling software to reduce energy waste.
“While there are many factors to consider, the IT community plays a critical role in creating a sustainable, green future,” Ho said.
Developing a Joint EU-US Digital Library Curriculum
Scholars from both sides of the Atlantic, including panelist Syracuse Professor Jian Qin,
met Wednesday morning to talk about developing a joint European Union-United State digital library curriculum.
The Bologna Project, which was created in Europe and is dedicated to improving graduate education programs internationally, has started taking steps toward building these collaborative partnerships.
For example, in the past language and the variation of meaning in the same academic discipline even prevented joint courses from being taught in European countries. Now, they have changed the framework to focus more on learning outcomes so that people are clear what the objectives are and what skills will be taught, which translates across national borders.
In the United States, however, collaborative digital library courses often occur around common topics and among American Library Association accredited schools.
Also, digital libraries in the United States focus more on the cyberinfrastructure and information management related issues, while Europe is more interested in cultural heritage issues.
The panelists provided an update on the status of the efforts to develop joint EU-US Digital Library Curriculum, and invited others to become active with a group of the 10 American and European universities and institutions to help move this process forward.
met Wednesday morning to talk about developing a joint European Union-United State digital library curriculum.
The Bologna Project, which was created in Europe and is dedicated to improving graduate education programs internationally, has started taking steps toward building these collaborative partnerships.
For example, in the past language and the variation of meaning in the same academic discipline even prevented joint courses from being taught in European countries. Now, they have changed the framework to focus more on learning outcomes so that people are clear what the objectives are and what skills will be taught, which translates across national borders.
In the United States, however, collaborative digital library courses often occur around common topics and among American Library Association accredited schools.
Also, digital libraries in the United States focus more on the cyberinfrastructure and information management related issues, while Europe is more interested in cultural heritage issues.
The panelists provided an update on the status of the efforts to develop joint EU-US Digital Library Curriculum, and invited others to become active with a group of the 10 American and European universities and institutions to help move this process forward.
Online Teaching Experiences
Many college students—whether campus based or distance learning—today have taken at least one course online and most are very familiar with online learning environment. A group of faculty and Ph.D. students, led by panelist Syracuse Professor Kevin Crowston, gathered Wednesday morning to discuss how online courses have changed the teaching experience for faculty and learning for students.
The group raised a variety of issues including the impact to content, social interactions, assessment, privacy, plagiarism, and learning styles.
Participants varied in their experiences when it came to campus-based students’ enjoyment and involvement in taking courses online. One school reported that its graduation rates were highest among students who both took campus-based and distance-learning courses.
Online learning works well in skill development courses and in stretching the amount of time for interactions among students and teacher beyond the traditional scheduled “class hours.”
Sharing work in a public online forum also tended to raise the bar for students. “If you know your peers will be checking your work, maybe you’ll try it a little harder,” Crowston said.
Participants that they had to find new ways of assessment as all quizzes and tests had to be “open book,” and most had done away with timed exams, opting instead for final projects that showcased the application of the knowledge acquired over the course of the semester.
Questions were raised about the definition of learning and knowledge. Is it mean being able to apply what you learn or be able to recall the information from memory?
“In the courses I teach, knowledge means being able to use tools,” Crowston said.
The group also discussed tools to detect plagiarism, which is easy to do with so much information available online.
"It's easier today for us to catch plagiarism than it is for students to do it," one participant concluded.
The group raised a variety of issues including the impact to content, social interactions, assessment, privacy, plagiarism, and learning styles.
Participants varied in their experiences when it came to campus-based students’ enjoyment and involvement in taking courses online. One school reported that its graduation rates were highest among students who both took campus-based and distance-learning courses.
Online learning works well in skill development courses and in stretching the amount of time for interactions among students and teacher beyond the traditional scheduled “class hours.”
Sharing work in a public online forum also tended to raise the bar for students. “If you know your peers will be checking your work, maybe you’ll try it a little harder,” Crowston said.
Participants that they had to find new ways of assessment as all quizzes and tests had to be “open book,” and most had done away with timed exams, opting instead for final projects that showcased the application of the knowledge acquired over the course of the semester.
Questions were raised about the definition of learning and knowledge. Is it mean being able to apply what you learn or be able to recall the information from memory?
“In the courses I teach, knowledge means being able to use tools,” Crowston said.
The group also discussed tools to detect plagiarism, which is easy to do with so much information available online.
"It's easier today for us to catch plagiarism than it is for students to do it," one participant concluded.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Ph.D posters
Benjamin Addom
Winner of the Best Poster Award
Automated Detection of Subject Area for Question Triage in Digital Reference
Keisuke Inoue
Xiaozhung Liu, Vadim Brzeski
Image-Enabled Discourse: A Preliminary Descriptive Investigation
Jaime Snyder
Michael Scialdone (with Qing Li, Kevin Crowston, Robert Heckman)
Exploring Impacts on Older Adults' E-Services Usage
Johanna Birkland
The Value of Public Sector Information As a Strategic Resource to Civil Society Organizations' in South Africa: Evidence from the Fight to Eradicate Poverty
Raed M. Sharif
The Classification of Religion Topics in Wikipedia: Examining an Evolution
David M. Pimental
Andrea Wiggins
Kangning Wei
Exploring the Use of Ontological Relations in Information Retrieval
Miao Chen
Joseph Treglia
- How Does Web Advertising Affect Users' Information Seeking, Website Evaluation, and Source Evaluation?
Youngseek Kim
- The Theory of Trustworthiness Attribution for Countering Insider Threats for Virtual Organizations
Shuyuan Mary Ho
Insider threats and trustworthiness
Insider threats—security risks posed by people from within an organization—accounted for 37 percent of the $57 million in losses to fraud last year. Employees maliciously stealing information or carelessly handling sensitive information is a serious issue in a variety of industries, government agencies, and other organizations.
Syracuse Ph.D. Shuayan Mary Ho seeks to understand this phenomenon and describe trustworthiness in a way that can be quantified.
Syracuse Ph.D. Shuayan Mary Ho seeks to understand this phenomenon and describe trustworthiness in a way that can be quantified.
Unfortunately, no company is willing to open itself up to share this type of data so Ho created her own environment to study this behavior.
Using student volunteers, she created a game within the Syracuse iSchool learning management system that tested the students’ perceptions of the trustworthiness of their team leader. The leader of each team had an extra 200 imaginary cash (MerryBux), and the game involved whether the leader shared the money or pocketed it.
A mole was planted to influence the teams’ behaviors, including wearing away people’s suspicions of their leader to see if they follow a predictive model. They did.
Leaders who showed an inconsistency between words and behavior received low scores from team members on trustworthiness. Over the course of the five-day scenario, some team members started planning to stage uprisings and oust the team leader.
Ho hopes to expand on this study and apply to other environments.
Using student volunteers, she created a game within the Syracuse iSchool learning management system that tested the students’ perceptions of the trustworthiness of their team leader. The leader of each team had an extra 200 imaginary cash (MerryBux), and the game involved whether the leader shared the money or pocketed it.
A mole was planted to influence the teams’ behaviors, including wearing away people’s suspicions of their leader to see if they follow a predictive model. They did.
Leaders who showed an inconsistency between words and behavior received low scores from team members on trustworthiness. Over the course of the five-day scenario, some team members started planning to stage uprisings and oust the team leader.
Ho hopes to expand on this study and apply to other environments.
iSchools responding to man made catastrophes
What are iSchools doing to help prepare for and respond to man made disasters such as a terrorist attack? That was the topic of a panel Tuesday morning that featured Syracuse iSchool Dean Elizabeth D. Liddy.
The panelists outlined the areas in which they felt iSchools could contribute to dealing with these major catastrophes: modeling scenarios, prediction, mitigation, response, real-time synthesis, and human performance and training.
Pittsburgh iSchool Dean Ron Larsen described a project he worked on for the Department of Defense that sought to detect underground nuclear facilities. His role was to collect what he called second-order information—not using ground penetration radar, but rather tracking heavy equipment shipments or materials delivery. He stressed the iSchool’s holistic approach to problems—combining technical information with social and psychological information.
Liddy focused much of her comments on the role iSchools play in predicting and preventing these catastrophes by analyzing communications, such as e-mails, text messaging, and blogs through natural language processing.
“In these man-made extreme event scenarios, the police, defense, and intelligence communities frequently do have some means to anticipate such events, and thereby make them more predictable and therefore potentially more preventable,” Liddy said.
She talked about how researchers can develop and apply predictable models to this data to weed through the massive amounts of information to find the “needle in the haystack,” or expressions about a planned attack.
Natural language processing has gotten good at mining words with their denotative meanings, and now researchers are focusing on developing automated process to examine the connotative meaning of words and emotive words, Liddy said.
To do this, Liddy said researchers have to find public data from which they can study and build these models and technologies. The data from such cases as Enron are being used, as are data from open source developers who are building archives of e-mail exchanges, papers, and other communications relating to the development of that field.
Other panelists talked about the role psychology and international context can play in these extreme events. Panelists agreed that iSchools are the optimal source of research and solutions in these extreme events because iSchools excel in human-driven technology, information that needs to be processed by both humans and machines, and evaluating the usefulness/effectiveness of technology for humans.
The panelists outlined the areas in which they felt iSchools could contribute to dealing with these major catastrophes: modeling scenarios, prediction, mitigation, response, real-time synthesis, and human performance and training.
Pittsburgh iSchool Dean Ron Larsen described a project he worked on for the Department of Defense that sought to detect underground nuclear facilities. His role was to collect what he called second-order information—not using ground penetration radar, but rather tracking heavy equipment shipments or materials delivery. He stressed the iSchool’s holistic approach to problems—combining technical information with social and psychological information.
Liddy focused much of her comments on the role iSchools play in predicting and preventing these catastrophes by analyzing communications, such as e-mails, text messaging, and blogs through natural language processing.
“In these man-made extreme event scenarios, the police, defense, and intelligence communities frequently do have some means to anticipate such events, and thereby make them more predictable and therefore potentially more preventable,” Liddy said.
She talked about how researchers can develop and apply predictable models to this data to weed through the massive amounts of information to find the “needle in the haystack,” or expressions about a planned attack.
Natural language processing has gotten good at mining words with their denotative meanings, and now researchers are focusing on developing automated process to examine the connotative meaning of words and emotive words, Liddy said.
To do this, Liddy said researchers have to find public data from which they can study and build these models and technologies. The data from such cases as Enron are being used, as are data from open source developers who are building archives of e-mail exchanges, papers, and other communications relating to the development of that field.
Other panelists talked about the role psychology and international context can play in these extreme events. Panelists agreed that iSchools are the optimal source of research and solutions in these extreme events because iSchools excel in human-driven technology, information that needs to be processed by both humans and machines, and evaluating the usefulness/effectiveness of technology for humans.
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